Our Philosophy

Educators Building on happy, positive, and collaborative professional relationships, which are open-minded, respectful in our communication, encompassing teamwork and trust, we work together to provide a spirit of inclusiveness and care for our fellow educators. Our passion for children is reflected through embedded high professional standards, quality education and an approachable persona which allows us times of fun, friendship, and supportive understanding which is set in a context of constant reflection and learning.  

Relationships with Children & Families We recognise the importance of warm, friendly, positive relationships with children, based on nurturing, meaningful and safe interactions, which allow for the agency of the child. Engaging in genuine, considerate, honest communication with families our educators seek a sense of belonging for families, where they are active reciprocal partners in the development of resilient, confident, autonomous young citizens of the world. We strive to be flexible, accepting of others, show kindness, care and support for the individual cultures, contexts and experiences of families.  

Environment In order to provide varied experiences which are planned and intentional for learning, we strive to ensure the program encompasses open-ended interactive opportunities in a safe, clean, and hygienic physical setting with indoor outdoor flow, which shows respect and consideration for the natural world. Working in an inviting environment where resources have purpose and meaning, and contribute to a visually, organised and aesthetically pleasing atmosphere brings positivity, a sense of fun and playful learning experiences.  

Community & Diversity Through family involvement, networking, and connecting with the centre community we strive to show respect for family values, be reflective of, and embracing of all cultures, ethnicities, religions, gender orientations and abilities, of the families and children we serve. In order to teach and provide a non-bias and anti-discriminatory learning environment we recognise with families, their cultural activities, and events, in a respectful and celebratory way. We strive for further cultural competence and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspective through being open to critique, learning, researching, and being aware our own life experiences and perspectives influence our understanding.  

Inclusion We endeavour to place the involvement of families and aspirations for their child, knowledge of their abilities, and care needs as paramount in order to provide a supportive and encouraging learning relationship for children with additional needs, while attending Samantha’s. Understanding the importance of inclusion for all children regardless of ability we embed principles of high expectations, seeing each child as capable, and evaluating from a strength’s perspective. We employ teaching strategies which plan and scaffold learning experiences which are unique to the child, their abilities and individual learning needs, being mindful of implementing attitudes of equity, choice, inclusion, and patience.